Arzberger Stollenkäse

It is thanks to the enthusiastic cheese lover Franz Möstl that today in the tunnel of the former silver mine cheese matures into a delicacy. He turned his passion into a job, bought the "pit house" in 2009 and had a 270 m tunnel built in the mountain and converted the "pit house" into a "cheese workshop".

In the meantime many different cheeses of cow, sheep and goat mature here. The cheeses are produced in the Leitner dairy and made exclusively with milk from the alpine region. The international cheese awards reach top rankings year after year. In March 2018, the "Arzberg Ursteirer" was even voted Vice World Champion in the USA and the "Caprissimum" was awarded the title "Best Cheese in Austria" in November 2018 in Norway.

The "Genussladen im Grubenhaus" is open from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.

Almenland Stollenkäse GmbH
Franz Möstl

Arzberg 32
8162 Passail
Telefon: 0043 3179/23050
E-Mail: office (at) stollenkaese. at

Milk, cheese, butter & yoghurt - the Dairy Leitner

In Tulwitz the family Leitner produces many dairy products from the milk of their own cows - whether it's cheese, plain and flavoured yoghurt or butter. The cows do not get any silage, the are only fed with hay and grass from their agriculture. The young cattles are coming to the alps in the summer and are being milked in their own hut - the Harrer Hütte.

Dairy Leitner

Christoph Leitner
Tulwitzviertel 39
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
Telefon: 0043 664 9213225
E-Mail: leitnerchristoph (at) aon .at

KUHLEMUH - Milk & Cheese from family Gschaidbauer

The cows from family Gschaidbauer lie in comfortable straw-filled stalls. Michael and Andrea have been administrating their farm since 2011, but also their three children and Michael's parents are helping at their dairy farm. Their holding lies at a sea level of 670m and holds an area of about 20 hectars. This all contributes to the farm's success - the milk is especially purchaseable at local vending machines. Just fill up your bottle with as much milk as you want. More information you can find on the website 

Michael and Andrea Gschaidbauer

Tulwitzdorf 24
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
E-Mail: m.gschaidbauer (at) gmx. at

Ice Cream from Family Wiedner

Andrea Wiedner

Gschaid 34
8171 St. Kathrein/Offenegg
Telefon:  +43 3179 84 35