Power Spots Bike Tour

The energizing bike tour in Passail and Arzberg.

Route length: 46.2 km
Difficulty: medium
Total rise: 1.090 m
Road conditions: Mostly on country and secondary roads

Route description

On this bike tour you cycle from power point to power point around Passail. These primarily include wayside crosses and wayside shrines, which were erected out of gratitude for a misfortune that had been averted, but also served as signposts for travelers. In addition, chapels were usually built at places of power, because a special energy is said to emanate from these places. A beautiful example of this is the Lindenberg Church of St. Anna, which is located just outside Passail on a hill with a beautiful view. Medicinal springs were also the reason for the construction of a chapel, such as: B. at Maria Kleinheilbrunn
or Ulrichsbrunn, whose water is said to have special healing powers for eye problems. This cycle tour, which leads around Passail, combines a wealth of these so-called “power places”. Lots of beautiful views and nice rest areas are also included in the route, which is driven exclusively on asphalt.

The tour starts in the town center of Passail and leads in a wide arc via Hohenau to Plenzengreith, almost to Semriach. From there the tour leads back to Passail, where we arrive back at our starting point.

Due to the altitude, an e-bike is recommended for this tour, but a mountain bike is not required.

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