Nature's Jewels

Created by Nature

They are natural beauties, natural monuments or places of power, which have often developed through the centuries-long interaction of nature and man, for example gorges, caves, ponds, moors, waterfalls and springs of origin. In principle, these sites are easily accessible and freely accessible to visitors.

Criteria Nature's Jewels

In order for a nature experience area to be called a "Nature Jewel", it must fulfil a number of criteria.
Basic requirements must be fulfilled when "applying to become a nature jewel", e.g.

  • Size between 2 - 100 ha.
  • Minimum length 500m
  • Existing, marked parking spaces
  • Concealment (the area must be known at most regionally and there must be no intensive promotion)
  • Accessibility by an official (hiking) trail

The jewels should show the beauty and uniqueness of the nature experience area. If this is disturbed by strong sources of noise, high visitor frequencies (including camping, parks, residential areas, sports facilities, etc.) and impairment of the fauna and flora, these can be exclusion criteria for the evaluation.

Special emphasis is also placed on the structure, vegetation and use diversity. The nature park jewels should not only be worth seeing, but should reach and impress visitors on all levels. The landscape must have a unique character.

Raab Gorge / Natura 2000 area / Hiking

Raab Gorge

At 17 km, the Raabklamm gorge is the longest continuous gorge in Austria and a Natura 2000 protected area.


Bärenschütz Gorge / Nature Destination / Hiking

Bärenschütz Gorge

The Bärenschützklamm is one of the most beautiful water-bearing rock gorges in Austria. A hike between untamed waterfalls and jagged rocks is an impressive experience for every hiker.


Moor nature trail / Teichalm / Nature Park

Moor nature trail

The entrance to the moor nature trail is right next to the Teichalmsee. This is one of the last mountain pine raised bogs in Austria with a special flora and fauna.
