What a country, the Almenland Nature Park!

Lush green meadows and dark green forests over rolling hills. In between are red spots - the roofs of the farmhouses. And in the middle embedded in a wide plateau, the dark blue lake Teichalmseewith the colorful pedal boats. Light brown and dark brown spots all around: ALMO steers, which provide delicious beef, and horses that enjoy summer on the mountain pasture!

The tourism region Almenland Nature Park has about 90 overnight stays with about 1,200 beds, in 2017, 80.000 guests visited the park and thus triggered over 210.000 overnight stays.

The Almenland is Europe's largest contiguous alpine pasture area. The approx. 3.000 ALMO alpine oxen enjoy juicy alpine grasses, crystal-clear spring water and GMO-free feeding. That's why Almenland is also called ALMO-Genussregion. The ambassadors of the Genussregion are the ALMO-Genusswirt, who are distinguished by their ALMO beef cuisine, hospitality and cozy ambience.

In the Almenland Nature Park, guests are not only offered the best in culinary delights, but also experiences, fun and a lot to see and marvel at. Many excursion destinations lure, in addition there are numerous, beautiful hiking trails, bike tours and one of the most beautiful golf courses in Styria. Sporting activity is possible both in summer and in winter!

See you in the Almenland Nature Park!

Accommodations holidays in the Nature Park


Your hosts in the Almenland - from the wellness hotel to the alpine hut.
Destinations & Adventure / Holiday / Styria

Destinations & Adventure

All sports and all excursion and sightseeing possibilities.
Eating & Drinking / restaurants / Nature Park

Eating & drinking

Where to eat well, what specialties are there and where to buy them.

Welcome in the Garden of Austria!

Together with seven other regions and a total of 44 municipalities, the Almenland Nature Park forms the Eastern Styria adventure region. The regions belong to Oststeiermark

  • ApfelLand - Stubenbergsee
  • Hartbergerland
  • Region Joglland - Waldheimat
  • Naturpark Almenland
  • Naturpark Pöllauertal
  • Solarstadt Gleisdorf
  • Kräuterregion Wechselland
  • Region Weiz & St. Ruprecht an der Raab

The adventure region of Eastern Styria is the "garden of Austria", there are offers for

  • Garden of Tranquility
  • garden of movement
  • Garden of Inspiration and
  • Garden of Delights

East Styria stands for liveliness, Styrian warmth, authenticity, quality and a colorful variety of offers.

Alpine meadows with wild herbs and orchids, romantic flower villages, sunny orchards and vineyards - an incomparable idyll is revealed in the east of Styria. The culinary treasures of the gardens - from apple to pear, alpine ox and mountain lamb, pumpkin seed oil, cheese or fresh herbs - enrich the culinary art and convince every gourmet.

The fertile land and the lush blooming gardens of East Styria are the setting for a holiday with plenty of rest, but also with exercise in the fresh air - the wide range of hiking trails and bike tours speaks for itself. The small historic towns with their culture and the Shopping possibilities complete the offer perfectly. And the regional cuisine is the only pleasure and always there anyway!

The various themed routes in Eastern Styria are particularly attractive. Here the region can be explored in a very special way using "themes":

  • Styrian flower route
  • Styrian apple route
  • Castle Street
  • Roman Wine Route

The Almenland Nature Park is located on the western edge of East Styria.

Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Stefan Schindler

Schloss 1
8225 Pöllau 
Phone: 0043 3335/47147
E-Mail: info (at) oststeiermark. com
Website: www.oststeiermark.com

Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
Geschäftsstelle Naturpark Almenland

Fladnitz 100
8163 Fladnitz an der Teichalm
Phone: 0043 3179/23000
E-Mail: almenland@oststeiermark.com